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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-6445

CSV importer fails to import status field correctly




      I have been trying to use the CSV importer in 3.1 but without much success.

      I have a CSV file with the following contents:

      Issue Type,Status,Priority,Assignee,Author,Version Found,Version Fixed,Title,Description,Creation Date and Time,Last Mod
      ified Date and Time,Function,Functional Area,Resolution
      Bug,On Hold,Emergency,u065287,u065287,JVM_1.4-ORBIX_6,JVM_1.4-ORBIX_6,Deadlock bug,,21/02/2005 13:56,02/03/2
      005 08:35,Technical,System Testing,

      I am importing with the following config file:

      existingprojectkey = B2B
      importsingleproject = false
      importexistingproject = true
      mapfromcsv = false
      field.Description = description
      field.Issue Type = type
      field.Last Modified Date and Time = updated
      field.Author = reporter
      field.Priority = priority
      field.Version Fixed = fixVersions
      field.Assignee = assignee
      field.Version Found = versions
      field.Resolution = comment
      field.Function = components
      field.Functional Area = customfield_10000
      field.Creation Date and Time = created
      field.Title = summary
      field.Status = status
      value.Priority.Emergency = 8
      user.email.suffix = @jpmorgan.com
      date.import.format = dd/MM/yyyy mm:ss
      date.fields = Last Modified Date and Time
      date.fields = Creation Date and Time

      I am experiencing two problems:

      1) it does not attempt to look up the id of the status field and uses the value "On Hold" as an id. In the code, the file com.atlassian.jira.external.ExternalUtils line 287 (or thereabouts!) calls constantManager.getStatus which is supposed to be passed an id (e.g. 5).

      Am I supposed to have to look in the database to figure out all the ids before importing?

      Anyway, to get past that problem I changed the code to lookup the name to get to the GenericValue and that leads to another problem:

      2) It does not appear to look up the workflow correctly. The status "On Hold" is not in the default workflow hence the method JiraWorkflow.getLinkedStep throws a NPE. I haven't bothered trying to figure out why it does not look up the correct workflow - it does get the project id correctly so at first glance the code looks plausible.

      Given how broken this appears, am I doing something wrong?


        1. import-test1.csv
          0.3 kB
        2. import-csv-rg.config
          0.7 kB

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              mark@atlassian.com MarkC
              d4e241eefdd7 Robert Greig
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