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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-6368

incoming email did not generate new issue


    • Icon: Support Request Support Request
    • Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
    • Icon: High High
    • None
    • 3.0.3
    • Email notifications
    • None
    • just default how JIRA was sent - i.e. standalone. Beyond that I'm not sure of any additional info, but I can find out if you have a specific question.

      I have created a service to create issues from emails generated to a specific address. In all my testing it has succeeded every time. But today, one of the incoming emails (which I verified was sent by checking that email address' mail on the server).
      In 15 tests, this is the only one that failed. But it is crucial we don't have any fall off into cyberspace because we are using this method to create internal requests via e-mail. So, if an email doesn't generate an email, that is very bad. Is there some error log that we can look at to see if this has happened?

      Note: the email is generated programmatically by a user checking a box on the form, so there is no chance of the email address being entered in the wrong case, because it's worked before.


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            6e88f3fc96e7 Neal Applebaum
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