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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-62931

Sharing a single issue and inviting a user uses the initiators email address opposed to the outgoing mailserver "From" field


      Sharing a single issue from within JIRA the email address of the user that has shared the issue is being displayed in the "From" field.
      In contrast, when sharing the results of filter query, the outgoing mail server "From" field is being used.
      This behaviour is unexpected and inconsistent. Whenever a notification is being triggered from within JIRA, the outgoing mail server "From" field should be used.
      It appears this behaviour is also showing when inviting a new user to JIRA, where the initiator is used instead of the outgoing mail "From" setting.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Open an Issue in JIRA, and use the share button to share the issue with another user
      2. Create a filter query, and share the results of it with another user

      Expected Results

      In both cases, the "From" address should be set as defined under the outgoing mail server configuration

      Actual Results

      1. The filter result share uses the address of the user sharing the issue in the "From" field
      2. The single issue share uses the outgoing mail server "From" address


      The mail headers will display the information as follows:
      When sending a filter result:

      From: "admin (JIRA)" <outgoing mail server address>
      X-Google-Original-From: "admin (JIRA)" <user email address>

      When sending a single issue:

      From: "admin (JIRA)" <outgoing mail server address>
      X-Google-Original-From: "admin (JIRA)" <From address as configured under the outgoing mail server>

      This has been tested with Gmail.
      Certain mail servers/clients will only accept the "Original-From"

            IMPORTANT: JAC is a Public system and anyone on the internet will be able to view the data in the created JAC tickets. Please don’t include Customer or Sensitive data in the JAC ticket.
            Uploaded image for project: 'Jira Data Center'
            1. Jira Data Center
            2. JRASERVER-62931

            Sharing a single issue and inviting a user uses the initiators email address opposed to the outgoing mailserver "From" field


                Sharing a single issue from within JIRA the email address of the user that has shared the issue is being displayed in the "From" field.
                In contrast, when sharing the results of filter query, the outgoing mail server "From" field is being used.
                This behaviour is unexpected and inconsistent. Whenever a notification is being triggered from within JIRA, the outgoing mail server "From" field should be used.
                It appears this behaviour is also showing when inviting a new user to JIRA, where the initiator is used instead of the outgoing mail "From" setting.

                Steps to Reproduce

                1. Open an Issue in JIRA, and use the share button to share the issue with another user
                2. Create a filter query, and share the results of it with another user

                Expected Results

                In both cases, the "From" address should be set as defined under the outgoing mail server configuration

                Actual Results

                1. The filter result share uses the address of the user sharing the issue in the "From" field
                2. The single issue share uses the outgoing mail server "From" address


                The mail headers will display the information as follows:
                When sending a filter result:

                From: "admin (JIRA)" <outgoing mail server address>
                X-Google-Original-From: "admin (JIRA)" <user email address>

                When sending a single issue:

                From: "admin (JIRA)" <outgoing mail server address>
                X-Google-Original-From: "admin (JIRA)" <From address as configured under the outgoing mail server>

                This has been tested with Gmail.
                Certain mail servers/clients will only accept the "Original-From"

                        tevans Tim Evans (Inactive)
                        mnassette MJ (Inactive)
                        1 Vote for this issue
                        5 Start watching this issue


                            tevans Tim Evans (Inactive)
                            mnassette MJ (Inactive)
                            Affected customers:
                            1 This affects my team
                            5 Start watching this issue
