Resolution: Unresolved
NOTE: This suggestion is for JIRA Server. Using JIRA Cloud? See the corresponding suggestion.
We need a similar function at the issue level as provided in AtlaZon's JIRA VOTE FOR COMMENTS plugin https://marketplace.atlassian.com/plugins/info.renjithv.votecomments.jira-addon-votecomments/server/overview. Unfortunately, this plugin only enables voters to Like or Dislike a comment within issue and provides a summary tally of Comment Likes/Dislikes. It does not provide a way to see who voted for/against or who abstained vs did not vote at all. This would provide a simple solution for electronic configuration control board approval (or not) for all JIRA Change Requests submitted to our baseline system.
Related to this requirement is that two of the People fields are not being captured/listed in the current JIRA Issue Activity/History tabs: Votes & Watchers. Only Assignee and Reporter are captured under Activity, etc. Is there a way to add the Votes & Watchers as another tab? That would help on the reporting requirement--sort of.
What we really need is to be able to generate Issue level and Project level queries and reports listing Users/Groups showing if and how each person voted, assuming functionality of voting For (Like), Against (Dislike), Abstain (Meh), or Not Voted (Slacker) is added. However, we can't do this now because the current JIRA VOTES field is boolean (either Voted or Not Voted) which only tells you if someone voted or not. It does not tell you if someone is voting FOR, AGAINST, ABSTAINING, is ignoring you, or just hasn't gotten around to voting yet.
Please add the ability to either customize or add additional values/options to the VOTES field or use the social apps like/dislike features already elsewhere in JIRA Comments and Confluence.
We are using JIRA version 7.2.0.
- relates to
JRACLOUD-62566 JIRA Issues Like & Dislike Voting and Reporting
- Gathering Interest
Over 4 months since I posted this request and Atlassian has been completely unresponsive to it–why? I created an equivalent ticket in the Service Desk, https://support.atlassian.com/servicedesk/customer/portal/20/GHS-58757 but am told they can not address it and that this ticket, JRA-62566 has it on the Product Dev team's RADAR. If so, that's great but awfully hard to tell with not so much as a comment you are working it or have assigned it to an individual/team to work it. Please advise if I need to keep both tickets open or just this one.
Thank you.