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IMPORTANT: JAC is a Public system and anyone on the internet will be able to view the data in the created JAC tickets. Please don’t include Customer or Sensitive data in the JAC ticket.

      NOTE: This bug report is for JIRA Server. Using JIRA Cloud? See the corresponding bug report.


      Epic Link is not correctly set on issues imported through CSV.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create an Epic
        Epic name: Epic1
      2. Import issues through CSV
        Summary,Epic Link
        Test issue, Epic1

      Expected Results

      Issue imported should have an Epic linked

      Actual Results

      The import is done without errors but Epic link field is blank


      Partial Workaround

      If you don't have many epics, you can bulk edit the issue, one search per epic. For example, if you have these epics with these stories:

      • Epic: ABC-1: Epic Name: My Epic 1
        • Story in Epic ABC-1: ABC-2, Epic Link: My Epic 1
        • Story in Epic ABC-1: ABC-3, Epic Link: My Epic 1
      • Epic ABC-4: Epic Name: My Epic 2
        • Story in Epic ABC-4: ABC-5, Epic Link: My Epic 2

      It's possible to:

      1. Import the 'Epic Name' to 'Epic Name', as expected
      2. Create a new text field (My Epic Link)
      3. Import 'Epic Link' to this text field (My Epic Link)
      4. For each Epic, search for stories with the Epic Link, for example
        'My Epic Link' = 'My Epic 1'
      5. Bulk edit it to change the 'Epic Link' to 'My Epic 1'

            IMPORTANT: JAC is a Public system and anyone on the internet will be able to view the data in the created JAC tickets. Please don’t include Customer or Sensitive data in the JAC ticket.

                NOTE: This bug report is for JIRA Server. Using JIRA Cloud? See the corresponding bug report.


                Epic Link is not correctly set on issues imported through CSV.

                Steps to Reproduce

                1. Create an Epic
                  Epic name: Epic1
                2. Import issues through CSV
                  Summary,Epic Link
                  Test issue, Epic1

                Expected Results

                Issue imported should have an Epic linked

                Actual Results

                The import is done without errors but Epic link field is blank


                Partial Workaround

                If you don't have many epics, you can bulk edit the issue, one search per epic. For example, if you have these epics with these stories:

                • Epic: ABC-1: Epic Name: My Epic 1
                  • Story in Epic ABC-1: ABC-2, Epic Link: My Epic 1
                  • Story in Epic ABC-1: ABC-3, Epic Link: My Epic 1
                • Epic ABC-4: Epic Name: My Epic 2
                  • Story in Epic ABC-4: ABC-5, Epic Link: My Epic 2

                It's possible to:

                1. Import the 'Epic Name' to 'Epic Name', as expected
                2. Create a new text field (My Epic Link)
                3. Import 'Epic Link' to this text field (My Epic Link)
                4. For each Epic, search for stories with the Epic Link, for example
                  'My Epic Link' = 'My Epic 1'
                5. Bulk edit it to change the 'Epic Link' to 'My Epic 1'

                        mbroda Marek Broda (Inactive)
                        psilveira Paula Silveira
                        27 Vote for this issue
                        46 Start watching this issue


                            mbroda Marek Broda (Inactive)
                            psilveira Paula Silveira
                            Affected customers:
                            27 This affects my team
                            46 Start watching this issue
