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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-61890

Renamed LDAP Group is Not Reflected in Permission Scheme


      Steps to reproduce

      1. create a group ldap-group in LDAP
      2. connect JIRA to LDAP using Connector type and sync the directory
      3. add ldap-group to a permission in a permission scheme
      4. in LDAP, rename the group to ldap-group-renamed
      5. sync the directory in JIRA

      Expected behavior

      In the permission scheme, ldap-group should become ldap-group-renamed

      Actual behavior

      ldap-group remains the same in the permission scheme


      • ldap-group doesn't exist as an Internal (local) group (only in LDAP)
      • this might affect other places where ldap-group can be used e.g. Issue Security Scheme, Global Permissions, Filter Shares, etc.

              Unassigned Unassigned
              vdung Andy Nguyen (Inactive)
              16 Vote for this issue
              18 Start watching this issue
