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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-59674

Nested Group Relations are not Recognized for New Directories



      New user Directories do not contain existing nested group relations. Users within the new directory can be added to groups, but won't obtain the parent group membership. It is also not possible to modify the nested group to group memberships to get this updated.


      JIRA using multiple User Directories and having a new one added.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create a JIRA instance with two directories:
        • JIRA Internal and JIRA Delegated directory
      2. Enable Nested local groups for all directories
      3. Create group: Parent and Child
      4. Create relationship (nested) between these groups
      5. Add a user to the Child group
        • Note that on the User page, it shows the user will be part of both Parent and Child groups
      6. Add a new JIRA Delegated directory
      7. Create a new user in this new directory
      8. Add the new user to the Child group
        • Notice that this new user is only part of the Child group and not the Parent

      Expected Results

      Users in the new directory are added to the Child group and also gain membership to the Parent group

      Actual Results

      Users in the new directory are added to the Child group and do not show membership to Parent


      select id, directory_name from cwd_directory;
        id  |     directory_name
          1 | JIRA Internal Directory
      10000 | JIRA Delegated LDAP
      10100 | JIRA Delegated LDAP - New
      select id, membership_type, parent_name, child_name, directory_id from cwd_membership where parent_name = 'Parent Group';
        id   | membership_type | parent_name  | child_name  | directory_id
       10100 | GROUP_GROUP     | Parent Group | Child Group |            1
       10200 | GROUP_GROUP     | Parent Group | Child Group |        10000
      • This shows the Parent to Child memberships only for the original directories. A new GROUP_GROUP entry was not added for the new directory


      • Manually add the GROUP_GROUP relation to the cwd_membership table for the newly created directory.
      • Restart JIRA

            Unassigned Unassigned
            dchan David Chan
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