Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
Resin 3.0.10, MySQL 4.1.8a/InnoDB, Linux 2.4.21-15.0.2.ELsmp
If user will add attachment with space on filename end (e.g. because he used copy & paste from TotalCommander), attachment is not visible and downloadable
1) Operation / Attach file
2) User will copy and paste full pathname to attachment on his loacl HDD, e.g. from Total Commander - i.e. select attachment, click Ctrl+Shift+Enter, left arrow (full path name on TotalCmd command line will be selected - with space on end !), Ctrl+C - copy to clipboard, switch to JIRA, Ctrl+V - paste full pathname
with space on end - e.g. "N:_Proj__RBT-lnk\Logs\iter-1\09-ts-1059\ts-1059.jpg "
3) in Manage Attachments window is attachment shown, but not on Issue detail page
4) if user click on "download" link in "Manage Attachments" page exception is shown:
404 Could not find specified attachment
/jira/secure/attachment/14694/ts-1059.jpg was not found on this server.
Resin-3.0.10 (built Mon, 20 Dec 2004 01:12:17 PST)
5) on target filesystem is file saved with space on end
6) in 2.6.1 Enterprise it worked well (spaces were probably trimmed)
- relates to
JRASERVER-4973 Attachment names with spaces can be mistreated
- Closed
JRASERVER-4975 Disable email functionality as part of backup restoration
- Closed