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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-4988

sort order on custom field type "Select List" discrepancy 2.6.1 -> 3.0.1


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • 3.1
    • 3.0.1
    • None

      In our JIRA 2.6.1 installation we have a custom field called "Maturity" of type "select list".

      The list is entered (and ordered) as follows:

      New (default)
      Requires Analysis
      Analysis Complete
      Requires Use Case
      Use Case Complete
      Requires Design
      Design Complete
      Requires Coding
      Coding Complete
      Requires QA
      QA Complete
      Requires Documentation
      Documentation Complete

      When performing a search, and this column header is clicked to sort, sort order is related to the order as shown above. (not alphanumberic on the label).

      I have set up a Jira 3.0.1 installation and imported the same data. When sorting by this column, the ordering is ignored, and the sort is done alphanumerically.

      The 2.6.1 behaviour was much more useful to us. Was there a good reason for this change, or did it just slip in? (you wouldn't sort priority by alphanumeric on it's label!)


            mark@atlassian.com MarkC
            8e61694fbb01 Jim Head
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
