Resolution: Fixed
Low (View bug fix roadmap)
The collation check introduced by JRA-39970 is checking the wrong attribute for Oracle. It's looking at NLS_CHARACTERSET, which defines the character set, and not the NLS_SORT which defines the collation.
Verified on:
- Oracle 12c
- JIRA 6.4.5
Steps to Reproduce
- Ensure your Oracle database uses BINARY for NLS_SORT
- Install JIRA to connect to Oracle as per the directions Connecting JIRA to Oracle
- Start JIRA
- Look at the log file
Expected Results
No warnings regarding collation are logged, as the correct collation is in use.
Actual Results
The warning is logged in the atlassian-jira.log file:
2015-06-09 08:01:04,432 http-bio-8080-exec-15 WARN anonymous 480x10x1 1llnki2 /secure/SetupDatabase.jspa [jira.appconsistency.db.CollationCheck] **************************************************************************************************** You are using an unsupported oracle10g collation: AL32UTF8. This may cause some functionality to not work. Please use BINARY as the collation instead. ****************************************************************************************************
Ignore the warning, since it's not actually valid in this case.
- is caused by
JRASERVER-39970 Jira needs to check the collation of the DB before it starts
- Closed