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Uploaded image for project: 'Jira Data Center'
  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-43143

Webhooks failing to bypass proxy when receiving URL is configured as a nonProxyHost in JVM configuration

    • 6.03
    • 57
    • Severity 2 - Major
    • 216
    • Hide
      Atlassian Update – 22 March 2018

      Hello everyone,

      Pleased to announce that fix has been committed and now awaits a release. We are planning to release 7.8.2 and 7.9.0 versions in few weeks.
      Fix would be available for Jira 7.6.5 too, which is current Jira Enterprise release, yet the release date is unknown as of today.

      Details of the fix

      As it was mentioned - the issue was isolated in an internal component AHTTP-36.
      Upgrading the component inside the product resolves the issue. Fix has been tested Jira versions 7.6.5, 7.7.3, 7.8.2, 7.9.0.


      While it is possible to upgrade a component out of band - Atlassian recommends upgrading to nearest bugfix release to get the fix.

       Out-of-band component upgrades may lead to support team reject support cases until Jira code and plugins is in original versions.

       Also out-of-band deployments also may have a critical impact on instance stability and performance because of JRASERVER-64908.

      In any case - I'm attaching the mentioned version of the component that contain the fix - atlassian-httpclient-plugin-1.0.1.jar, which may be upgraded if the mentioned risks are tolerable.



      Please mind that there are different proxy configuration options available for http and https (http.proxyHost, https.proxyHost). All the details are available in https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirakb/how-to-configure-an-outbound-http-and-https-proxy-for-jira-applications-247857187.html


      Wish you a smooth upgrades.

      Ignat Alexeyenko
      Jira Bugmaster

      Atlassian Update – 22 March 2018 Hello everyone, Pleased to announce that fix has been committed and now awaits a release. We are planning to release 7.8.2 and 7.9.0 versions in few weeks. Fix would be available for Jira 7.6.5 too, which is current Jira Enterprise release, yet the release date is unknown as of today. Details of the fix As it was mentioned - the issue was isolated in an internal component AHTTP-36 . Upgrading the component inside the product resolves the issue. Fix has been tested Jira versions 7.6.5, 7.7.3, 7.8.2, 7.9.0.   Upgrading While it is possible to upgrade a component out of band - Atlassian recommends upgrading to nearest bugfix release to get the fix.  Out-of-band component upgrades may lead to support team reject support cases until Jira code and plugins is in original versions.  Also out-of-band deployments also may have a critical impact on instance stability and performance because of JRASERVER-64908 . In any case - I'm attaching the mentioned version of the component that contain the fix - atlassian-httpclient-plugin-1.0.1.jar, which may be upgraded if the mentioned risks are tolerable.   Configuration Please mind that there are different proxy configuration options available for http and https (http.proxyHost, https.proxyHost). All the details are available in https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirakb/how-to-configure-an-outbound-http-and-https-proxy-for-jira-applications-247857187.html   Wish you a smooth upgrades. Cheers, Ignat Alexeyenko Jira Bugmaster

      Steps to reproduce the problem

      1. Install a Charles Proxy
      2. Create a HTTP proxy settings via Charles - see http-proxy.png
      3. Configure the parameters below to JVM argument via $JIRA_INSTALL/bin/setenv file:
        -Dhttp.proxyHost= -Dhttp.proxyPort=8888 -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts=requestb.in
      4. Save it and start JIRA.
      5. Configure a webhook to http://requestb.in/ for example like this test-webhook-642.png
      6. Create a new issue to fire a webhook.
      7. The http://requestb.in URL is showing in the Charles traffic (which mean -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts is not working).

      Expected Result

      The -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts is respected and the traffic is not directed to the proxy. The Request Bin URL shouldn't be showed in the traffic if the -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts is working.

      Actual Result

      The WebHook goes through the proxy.

      From the logs :

      2016-01-19 13:25:00,973 httpclient-callbacks:thread-23 WARN anonymous     [atlassian.webhooks.plugin.PublishTaskFactoryImpl$PublishTaskImpl] Client error - 400 when posting to web hook at 'http://requestb.in/xxxxx'

      Additional Information

      • Tested on 6.4.2 and 6.4.3
      • The problem is not occurring in JIRA 6.3.15, thus this is a regression.


      See "Upgrading" section from Current status

        1. atlassian-httpclient-plugin-1.0.1.jar
          1.88 MB
        2. atlassian-httpclient-plugin-1.0.1.jar.md5
          0.0 kB
        3. http-proxy.png
          27 kB
        4. test-webhook.png
          22 kB
        5. test-webhook-642.png
          29 kB

            IMPORTANT: JAC is a Public system and anyone on the internet will be able to view the data in the created JAC tickets. Please don’t include Customer or Sensitive data in the JAC ticket.
            Uploaded image for project: 'Jira Data Center'
            1. Jira Data Center
            2. JRASERVER-43143

            Webhooks failing to bypass proxy when receiving URL is configured as a nonProxyHost in JVM configuration

              • Icon: Bug Bug
              • Resolution: Fixed
              • Icon: Medium Medium
              • 7.8.2, 7.9.0, 7.6.6, 7.7.4
              • 6.3.8, 6.4, 6.4.2, 6.4.4, 6.4.5, 6.4.8, 6.4.9, 6.4.11, 6.4.12, 6.4.13, 7.0.5, 7.1.0, 7.1.7, 7.2.1, 7.3.0, 7.2.3, 7.2.9, 7.3.6, 7.3.8, 7.7.1, 7.5.5
              • Webhooks
              • 6.03
              • 57
              • Severity 2 - Major
              • 216
              • Hide
                Atlassian Update – 22 March 2018

                Hello everyone,

                Pleased to announce that fix has been committed and now awaits a release. We are planning to release 7.8.2 and 7.9.0 versions in few weeks.
                Fix would be available for Jira 7.6.5 too, which is current Jira Enterprise release, yet the release date is unknown as of today.

                Details of the fix

                As it was mentioned - the issue was isolated in an internal component AHTTP-36.
                Upgrading the component inside the product resolves the issue. Fix has been tested Jira versions 7.6.5, 7.7.3, 7.8.2, 7.9.0.


                While it is possible to upgrade a component out of band - Atlassian recommends upgrading to nearest bugfix release to get the fix.

                 Out-of-band component upgrades may lead to support team reject support cases until Jira code and plugins is in original versions.

                 Also out-of-band deployments also may have a critical impact on instance stability and performance because of JRASERVER-64908.

                In any case - I'm attaching the mentioned version of the component that contain the fix - atlassian-httpclient-plugin-1.0.1.jar, which may be upgraded if the mentioned risks are tolerable.



                Please mind that there are different proxy configuration options available for http and https (http.proxyHost, https.proxyHost). All the details are available in https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirakb/how-to-configure-an-outbound-http-and-https-proxy-for-jira-applications-247857187.html


                Wish you a smooth upgrades.

                Ignat Alexeyenko
                Jira Bugmaster

                Atlassian Update – 22 March 2018 Hello everyone, Pleased to announce that fix has been committed and now awaits a release. We are planning to release 7.8.2 and 7.9.0 versions in few weeks. Fix would be available for Jira 7.6.5 too, which is current Jira Enterprise release, yet the release date is unknown as of today. Details of the fix As it was mentioned - the issue was isolated in an internal component AHTTP-36 . Upgrading the component inside the product resolves the issue. Fix has been tested Jira versions 7.6.5, 7.7.3, 7.8.2, 7.9.0.   Upgrading While it is possible to upgrade a component out of band - Atlassian recommends upgrading to nearest bugfix release to get the fix.  Out-of-band component upgrades may lead to support team reject support cases until Jira code and plugins is in original versions.  Also out-of-band deployments also may have a critical impact on instance stability and performance because of JRASERVER-64908 . In any case - I'm attaching the mentioned version of the component that contain the fix - atlassian-httpclient-plugin-1.0.1.jar, which may be upgraded if the mentioned risks are tolerable.   Configuration Please mind that there are different proxy configuration options available for http and https (http.proxyHost, https.proxyHost). All the details are available in https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirakb/how-to-configure-an-outbound-http-and-https-proxy-for-jira-applications-247857187.html   Wish you a smooth upgrades. Cheers, Ignat Alexeyenko Jira Bugmaster

                Steps to reproduce the problem

                1. Install a Charles Proxy
                2. Create a HTTP proxy settings via Charles - see http-proxy.png
                3. Configure the parameters below to JVM argument via $JIRA_INSTALL/bin/setenv file:
                  -Dhttp.proxyHost= -Dhttp.proxyPort=8888 -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts=requestb.in
                4. Save it and start JIRA.
                5. Configure a webhook to http://requestb.in/ for example like this test-webhook-642.png
                6. Create a new issue to fire a webhook.
                7. The http://requestb.in URL is showing in the Charles traffic (which mean -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts is not working).

                Expected Result

                The -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts is respected and the traffic is not directed to the proxy. The Request Bin URL shouldn't be showed in the traffic if the -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts is working.

                Actual Result

                The WebHook goes through the proxy.

                From the logs :

                2016-01-19 13:25:00,973 httpclient-callbacks:thread-23 WARN anonymous     [atlassian.webhooks.plugin.PublishTaskFactoryImpl$PublishTaskImpl] Client error - 400 when posting to web hook at 'http://requestb.in/xxxxx'

                Additional Information

                • Tested on 6.4.2 and 6.4.3
                • The problem is not occurring in JIRA 6.3.15, thus this is a regression.


                See "Upgrading" section from Current status

                  1. atlassian-httpclient-plugin-1.0.1.jar
                    1.88 MB
                  2. atlassian-httpclient-plugin-1.0.1.jar.md5
                    0.0 kB
                  3. http-proxy.png
                    27 kB
                  4. test-webhook.png
                    22 kB
                  5. test-webhook-642.png
                    29 kB

                        ialexeyenko Ignat (Inactive)
                        ckimloong John Chin
                        131 Vote for this issue
                        125 Start watching this issue


                            ialexeyenko Ignat (Inactive)
                            ckimloong John Chin
                            Affected customers:
                            131 This affects my team
                            125 Start watching this issue
