Resolution: Timed out
6.2.5, 6.3.1, 6.3.3
Severity 3 - Minor
1. Create two projects A and B.
2. Create a custom field CF1 and set its context to the "Global Context" (All issue types and projects."
3. Create an issue "TestIssue" in project A with a value for custom field CF1
4. Edit the context for custom field CF1 so it only applies to project B
5. Search for all issues in the issue navigator in Details View and add a column for CF1 to the search results.
6. [BUG] The value stored for the "TestIssue" in project A in step 3 is still shown.
Expected behaviour:
- The value should be "hidden" because of the new context restrictions specified in step 4.
- Hide the field via a Field Configuration / Field Configuration Scheme and apply this to project A
- is caused by
JRASERVER-25721 Large number of projects and customfields causes performance degradation on the issue navigator
- Closed