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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-38209

jira.permission.assignable.group property doesn't work as expected


      Steps to replicate the problem:

      1. Create a group named "test group";
      2. Create an user named "test" that is not a part of the group above;
      3. Create an user named "assignee" that is a part of the group;
      4. Add the jira.permission.assignable.group=test group property to a step in the workflow;
      5. Create an issue and transition it to that status;
      6. Assign an issue to the "assignee" user;
      7. Click on assign, type "test" and click on update.

      Expected Behavior

      JIRA would not allow users that are not a part of the group defined in the property to be assigned to issues.

      Actual Behavior

      Although JIRA does not auto-complete users in that group, if the username is explicitly typed, JIRA allows the issue to be assigned to the user.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            mfernandes@atlassian.com Matheus Fernandes
            1 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
