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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-37917

Upgrade to new atlassian web-resources to prevent poisoning cached i18n dependent JS resources

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    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: High High
    • 6.3
    • None
    • Dashboard & Gadgets

      Currently, we retrieve the Locale for a web-resource request via the current user's authentication context, for example fr_FR.

      This is a problem, because if web-resource url for the request contains a different Locale _en_UK then we will retrieve and then cache contents localised to the wrong Locale.

      In this example we would cache the en_UK url with content fetched in fr_FR

            ohernandez@atlassian.com Oswaldo Hernandez (Inactive)
            ohernandez@atlassian.com Oswaldo Hernandez (Inactive)
            mandreacchio Michael Andreacchio
