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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-36663

Some features inaccessible when logged out (pie charts, sorting quick searched issues)


      not logged in, some JIRA features are inaccessible, e.g.

      1) When I search something with Quick Search and then try to sort issues via column header "Order by", it does not work and it throws large exception into catalina.out.

      Here is the beginning of relevant part of the log file:

      2014-01-22 14:52:59,804 http-bio-8080-exec-17 ERROR anonymous 892x3491x1 1ape6de,0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 /rest/issueNav/1/orderByOptions [common.error.jersey.Throwa
      bleExceptionMapper] Uncaught exception thrown by REST service
              at com.atlassian.jira.plugin.issuenav.rest.orderby.OrderByOptionsResource.getSortableColumns(OrderByOptionsResource.java:160)

      Log file is attached.

      2) Pie chart reports cannot be generated without login. It causes "Oops" HTML page.

      Here are the steps to reproduce Oops HTML page:

      JIRA (not logged in) > Projects > View All Projects > All Projects > anyParticularProject > Reports > Pie Chart Report > Statistic Type: whatever, e.g. Assignee > Next

      OOps HTML page is attached.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            d290fbb74009 Leos Junek
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