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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-36331

Gadget resources are not superbatched, breaking the limit of 32 stylesheets in IE 8-9


      Currently, all CSS resources required by a gadget are included as separate <link> elements. This easily breaks the ancient 32-stylesheets limits of IE 8--9, which leads to broken layout and on some occasions to failure of initialization of AJS (IE raises an error when trying to programmatically add a stylesheet when the limit is already reached.)

      Looking at the code of JIRA 6.1.1, I observe that GadgetProcessorImpl.processIncludeResources specifically prohibits from creating superbatch resources:


      This is a major problem for plugin developers, because it makes gadgets unusable in IE 8--9. This error affects Structure plugin, but is not specific to it and may affect others as well.

              Unassigned Unassigned
              ff5eced7cbfd Igor Baltiyskiy
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