We have fully integrated JSD into our Magento 2 application. We sell Magento extensions and use the integration to directly support our customers in our website without them having to worry about any internal systems we use. It simplifies things for our customers and simplifies it for us aswell because customer tickets are created in JSD and automatically added to our KANBAN board.
This being said, we can create a request ticket on behalf of a customer just fine. The customer creates an account in our shop and as soon as the customer wants to raise its first request, a customer in JSD is created and the request is raised.
It only seems logical that i can use the customers accountId, which we get in the response from creating a new customer, to create a comment on his or hers behalf. It really baffles me that this is impossible at the moment, as this seems 100% logical follow-up behavior which is in line with being able to create a ticket on behalf of this customer in the first place. If you can create a request on behalf of the customer, why cant you work with that request on behalf of that same customer to create things like comments?
I really need to be able to provide "raiseOnBehalfOf" in the request headers for comments and possibly the other request endpoints aswell, so that this works in line with the request creating.
Not having this feature already costed us a lot of support because customers file complaints against us, complaining how we respond with their texts in their name. Simply because when we create the comment, the only way for us to create a comment is under our own name. It also costed us money because when the comment is raised under our own name, the ticket is transitioned but no notifications are being sent to us and this causes the customer to wait for support or answers until we notice it. If this process takes to long, the customer wants a refund which happened on multiple occasions.
Can you please give this priority, it has 303 votes and i'm more than willing to pay a few hours of support to get this implemented, if that's what it takes to get this to progress faster. This problem is affecting us as a company for about a year now so i would love to get this feature implemented
That's very much needed. We have several integrations where agents from other systems write comments from there
and they get as commenter some Jira helper and it is quite confusing