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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-32533

Documentation For Unresolved Issue in CSV Import


    • We collect Jira feedback from various sources, and we evaluate what we've collected when planning our product roadmap. To understand how this piece of feedback will be reviewed, see our Implementation of New Features Policy.

      NOTE: This suggestion is for JIRA Server. Using JIRA Cloud? See the corresponding suggestion.

      The document update mentioned in JRA-18481 is missing in the latest documentation.
      I was not able to locate the workaround mentioned in JRA-18481 in the referenced page (also the Anchor does not work anymore).

      Create a mapping for the resolution field
      Map the "UNRESOLVED" resolution to "Import as Blank"

            sgriffin@atlassian.com SusanA
            rpillai RenjithA
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