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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-32431

Failure on validator causes Display Name to be replaced by username



      When a user picker field (such as assignee) is on a transition screen (and that transition has a validator for another field, permission or condition) a fail to transition will cause the user picker to default to the username (and changes will be lost).

      Steps to Reproduce

      As an administrator...

      1. Create a new screen, and add the "Assignee" field to the screen
      2. Create a new transition, using the the screen you just created for it
      3. On that transition, add a Permission Validator (for example, administer projects)
      4. Publish the workflow

      As a user that does not have that permission...

      1. As a user that does not have that permission, attempt to transition the issue
      2. On the transition screen, change the "Assignee" field

      Expected Results

      The transition fails, but the changes you've made to the assignee field persist. Additionally, the user's display name is shown in the assignee field.

      Actual Results

      The transition fails, and the changes you've made to the assignee field may be lost. Additionally, the user's user name is shown in the assignee field (rather than their display name)


      • The username may be hard to distinguish at a glance in environments that use homogenous usernames (i.e 123456 instead of user_name)
      • In newer versions of Jira, it seems that the changes to the "Assignee" (or other user field) are kept; although the username shows
      • In newer versions of Jira, it seems that as soon as the "Assignee" (or other user field) revert back to the display name as soon as that field loses focus
      • This can be reproduced with other third party validators, such as the "Field is Required" from JSU


      There is no workaround for this issue.

              Unassigned Unassigned
              oafridi OsmanA
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