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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-32402

The "in" operator cause performance issue when having a huge number of project


      Within an instance got around 1500 projets, launch the following query:

      1. With the "in" operator:
        project = test and status in (Open, Resolved)

        The query return the output in average 5 seconds.

      2. Without the "in" operator:
        (project = test and status = Open) or (project = test and status = Resolved)

        The query return the same output in average 100 millisecond.

      The root cause of the issue seems to be that when JIRA is preparing the context of the JQL, the project filter is not taken into account, which make the search across all project instead.

      This is have a huge impact on the customer side for some queries can up to a couple minutes to finish the query event there are not much issue in the project.

      As possible workaround solution, please make sure that all status are added in all workflow to reduce the context affect on the context construction procedure.

              edalgliesh Eric Dalgliesh
              yilinmo Yilin (Inactive)
              6 Vote for this issue
              17 Start watching this issue
