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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-31581

Adding worklogs to issues with large histories is very slow


      NOTE: This bug report is for JIRA Server. Using JIRA Cloud? See the corresponding bug report.

      We have several customers that collect "common hours" such as vacations and meetings on the same issue for all employees. This means that the history of these issues grows very big (thousands of changes).

      We have noticed that adding hours to these issues takes a good deal longer than adding hours to "new" issues (5-10 seconds, sometimes longer). We have tried both the standard "Log work" function and Tempo with the same results.

      Experimenting a bit also shows that it looks like the "dispatchEvent" parameter to the "createWorklog" function is the key. Setting the "dispatchEvent" to false makes everything OK. This means that somebody that is listening to the ISSUE_WORKLOGGED_ID event is taking a long time processing.

      Note that we disabled all plugins except the Atlassian plugins (see attached screenshot) which means that it's either JIRA itself or some of the listed Atlassian plugins that is the culprit.

      Best regards,

      Bjarni (Tempo plugin)


      As a temporary workaround, the JIRA WebHooks Plugin can be disabled through the UPM.

        1. worklog-debug.png
          268 kB
          Andreas Knecht
        2. webhook-perf.png
          221 kB
          Andreas Knecht
        3. System Info.png
          127 kB
          Bjarni Thorbjornsson

            ohernandez@atlassian.com Oswaldo Hernandez (Inactive)
            f4a3c58b2a0e Bjarni Thorbjornsson
            13 Vote for this issue
            59 Start watching this issue


                Original Estimate - Not Specified
                Not Specified
                Time Spent - 9h Remaining Estimate - 32h
                Time Spent - 9h Remaining Estimate - 32h