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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-29259

JIRA View Custom Fields Page Performance Issues


      The custom fields administration screen takes a long time in JIRA 5.1 and the tests show that the database queries performed while loading the custom fields have become 4 times the values shown in JIRA 4.4.5.

      With around 750 custom fields it takes around 3 minutes for the ViewCustomFields screen to load.

      The related support case can be accessed here: JSP-134041 and the test report is in this direct link to the detailed comment.

      Comparison Tests with Sample Data
      • Two Projects
      • Two Multi Select Custom Fields (one with global context, one with four specific issue types and specific to two projects)
      • Two Options Each
        Database JIRA Version No. of SELECT Queries
        PostGresSQL 5.1 16 (4 times of 4.4.5)
        PostGresSQL 4.4.5 4

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            rpillai RenjithA
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