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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-26707

SOAP progress issue fails with custom fields updates for select like field types


      Lets try putting the description here:

      As you can see from the error message the value that was considered invalid is actually on the list of valid values listed! This was for multi select fields. And I left out an important point when I reconstructed this description, create/updating the issue is fine, it is only progress issue with the problem.

      Remote error: com.atlassian.jira.rpc.exception.RemoteValidationException: Fields not valid for workflow action Completed:
      Errors: {customfield_10116=Invalid value 'V5R4M5' passed for customfield 'Target OS Version'. Allowed values are: [AIX 5.1, AIX 5.2, AIX 5.3, AIX 6.1, AIX 7.1, HP-UX 11, HP-UX 11iv
      1, HP-UX 11iv2, HP-UX 11iv3, Not Applicable, RHEL 3, RHEL 4, RHEL 5, Solaris 10, Solaris 8, Solaris 9, SuSE Linux Server 10, SuSE Linux Server 8, SuSe Linux Server 9, V4R3M0, V4R4M
      0, V4R5M0, V5R1M0, V5R2M0, V5R3M0, V5R4M0, V5R4M5, V6R1M0, V7R1M0, Windows 2000, Windows 2000 Server, Windows 2003 Server, Windows 2008 Server, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP
      , z/OS 1.5, z/OS 1.6, z/OS 1.7, z/OS 1.8, z/OS 1.9], customfield_10115=Invalid value 'V5R4M5' passed for customfield 'Source OS Version'. Allowed values are: [AIX 5.1, AIX 5.2, AIX
       5.3, AIX 6.1, AIX 7.1, HP-UX 11, HP-UX 11iv1, HP-UX 11iv2, HP-UX 11iv3, Not Applicable, RHEL 3, RHEL 4, RHEL 5, Solaris 10, Solaris 8, Solaris 9, SuSE Linux Server 10, V4R3M0, V4R
      4M0, V4R5M0, SuSE Linux Server 8, SuSe Linux Server 9, V5R1M0, V5R2M0, V5R3M0, V5R4M0, V5R4M5, V6R1M0, V7R1M0, Windows 2000, Windows 2000 Server, Windows 2003 Server, Windows 2008
      Server, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, z/OS 1.5, z/OS 1.6, z/OS 1.7, z/OS 1.8, z/OS 1.9]}

            Unassigned Unassigned
            bob.swift@charter.net Bob Swift (personal)
            3 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
