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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-25606

Not able to grant users project role permissions while 'User Searching By Full Name' is OFF


      Steps to reproduce:

      • Turn off 'User Searching By Full Name' in JIRA General Configuration
      • Administer a project's project roles
      • click into the user search field and start typing a user's name

      This results in

      Begin typing to find users.
      The value sysadmin is invalid.

      Searching on the group side of things works perfectly.

      Nice to haves:

      • Better documentation around this option, there's nothing that says you need this feature enabled so that you can edit project roles (searching for users, etc).
      • While it's disabled, valid usernames fail, so either having an old user picker would be an option or a note saying, "Turn on 'User Searching By Full Name' to enable this feature."

            jcreenaune Jonathon Creenaune
            mtaylor@atlassian.com Maleko Taylor (Inactive)
            2 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
