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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-25591

Allow for enabling Event Type Name in to 'From' instead of 'Subject'


    • We collect Jira feedback from various sources, and we evaluate what we've collected when planning our product roadmap. To understand how this piece of feedback will be reviewed, see our Implementation of New Features Policy.

      NOTE: This suggestion is for JIRA Server. Using JIRA Cloud? See the corresponding suggestion.

      In JIRA 4.4 the notification templates has changed(see JRA-12640) including the action performed on the sender (from field)(see attachment notification_jira_44.jpg), which was located on the notification subject in previous versions (see attachment notification_jira_43.jpg).

      I raised this new feature to turn "action at the sender ('from' field) optional", where the customer can choose which whether to enable this change or leave it, as it better fits to his business needs.

      Workaround for Subjects:

      JIRA Email Subjects Changed After Upgrade to 4.4.3

        1. jira.atlassian.com.nostatus.jpg
          37 kB
        2. subject.bat
          0.1 kB
        3. notification_jira_44.jpg
          151 kB
        4. notification_jira_43.jpg
          139 kB

              Unassigned Unassigned
              rbrandao Rodrigo Prado Brandao [Atlassian]
              95 Vote for this issue
              66 Start watching this issue
