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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-25348

Upgrade task for Select Custom fields in upgrade to JIRA 4.4 wipes out customer data.


      We have a custom field that was sadly created a long time ago as a select field but is essentially a text field with a custom view that is a select box. Unfortunately the JIRA 4.4 update process wipes out the data in this field, bringing havoc to our customers!

      Can you please change the process so that if you don't find an id for the value, you simply leave the old custom field value instead of writing null and corrupting the instance.

      We have released a new version that is compatible with JIRA 4.4. However, JIRA 4.4 does allow users to update even if the plugin does not support JIRA 4.4. That mean we have no way of ensuring that our customers don't break their system because of this issue.

      Please help since our customers are upgrading to JIRA 4.4 with an incompatible version of our plugin and thus destroying their data.

            mlassau Mark Lassau (Inactive)
            tcampbell Trevor Campbell (Inactive)
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            5 Start watching this issue
