Resolution: Duplicate
For example, the summary is often very long, and the text wraps, if issue navigator has lot of columns. It shold be possible to set the wrap/nowrap option for specified columns in the Issue navigator.
Now we need to achieve this using the Greasemonkey scripting...
- duplicates
JRASERVER-6034 Be able to specify the width of columns in the Issue Navigator
- Gathering Interest
[JRASERVER-24924] As a JIRA user (or administrator) I want to set the wrap/nowrap option for specified columns in the Issue navigator, to achieve more friendly list.
Workflow | Original: JAC Suggestion Workflow [ 3051501 ] | New: JAC Suggestion Workflow 3 [ 3691002 ] |
Status | Original: RESOLVED [ 5 ] | New: Closed [ 6 ] |
Component/s | New: Navigation - View results [ 43392 ] | |
Component/s | Original: Issue Navigation & Search - List View [ 43410 ] |
Workflow | Original: Confluence Workflow - Public Facing v4 [ 2613524 ] | New: JAC Suggestion Workflow [ 3051501 ] |
Workflow | Original: JIRA PM Feature Request Workflow v2 - TEMP [ 2575752 ] | New: Confluence Workflow - Public Facing v4 [ 2613524 ] |
Status | Original: Closed [ 6 ] | New: Resolved [ 5 ] |
Workflow | Original: JIRA Bug Workflow w Kanban v6 - TEMP [ 2356211 ] | New: JIRA PM Feature Request Workflow v2 - TEMP [ 2575752 ] |
Workflow | Original: JIRA Bug Workflow w Kanban v6 [ 2123562 ] | New: JIRA Bug Workflow w Kanban v6 - TEMP [ 2356211 ] |
Workflow | Original: JIRA Bug Workflow w Kanban v6 - TEMP [ 2085518 ] | New: JIRA Bug Workflow w Kanban v6 [ 2123562 ] |
Workflow | Original: JIRA Bug Workflow w Kanban v6 [ 886436 ] | New: JIRA Bug Workflow w Kanban v6 - TEMP [ 2085518 ] |
Component/s | New: Issue Navigation & Search - List View [ 43410 ] | |
Component/s | Original: Issue navigator [Deprecated] [ 10670 ] |
Workflow | Original: JIRA PM Feature Request Workflow v2 [ 713181 ] | New: JIRA Bug Workflow w Kanban v6 [ 886436 ] |