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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-24760

Sitemesh Atlassian version (2.4.2-jroper-1) causes error with Flex integration




      Due to the enhancement done by Jame Roper in page Parser on sitemesh, the buffer size of the returned response is never lower than 256 characters.

      A side effect is encountered with calls done from my Flex plugin using Javascript and XML ...
      Performing different debug with FF et GC, I find the root cause :

      If a request returns a XML response lower than 256 char.,

      <anyReturn>Short Message</anyReturn>

      then it is padded to 256 with 0 (binary) :

      <anyReturn>Short Message</anyReturn>000000

      With FireBug, we saw correctlty the buffer padded to 256.

      The Javascript generated by Flex for any calls done with ExternalInterface.call to performs the serialisation, is as follow :

       function __flash__escapeXML(s) {
          return s.replace(/&/g, "&amp;").replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;").replace(/"/g, "&quot;").replace(/'/g, "&apos;");
      function __flash__toXML(value) {
         var type = typeof(value);
          if (type == "string") {
              return "<string>" + __flash__escapeXML(value) + "</string>";
          } else if (type == "undefined") {
              return "<undefined/>";
          } else if (type == "number") {
              return "<number>" + value + "</number>";
          } else if (value == null) {
              return "<null/>";
          } else if (type == "boolean") {
              return value ? "<true/>" : "<false/>";
          } else if (value instanceof Date) {
              return "<date>" + value.getTime() + "</date>";
         } else if (value instanceof Array) {
             return __flash__arrayToXML(value);
         } else if (type == "object") {
             return __flash__objectToXML(value);
         } else {
              return "<null/>"; //???
      try { __flash__toXML(getStepMetaAttributes("wf","live","3")) ; } catch (e) { "<undefined/>"; }

      The response sent to Flex is :

      <string>&lt;anyReturn&gt;Short Message&lt;/anyReturn&gt;</string>000000

      When Flex receives the response, its internal parser fails with the error 1085

      Error #1085: The element type "string" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</string>".

      I made a test by replacing the sitemesh-2.4.2-jroper-1.jar by sitemesh-2.4.2.jar, and the error does not occurs.

      What is the gain in performance between sitemesh-2.4.2-jroper-1.jar and sitemesh-2.4.2.jar ?
      Are you able to correct it for final 4.4 ?
      Do you have an idea to resolve that ?

      I do not plan to pad myself all response to avoid such issue.



        1. value.png
          5 kB
          Vincent Thoulé [Alkaes]



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