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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-23673

You can always label an issue, even if it's removed from all screens and all configurations


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • None
    • 4.2.3
    • Issue - Fields
    • commercial enterprise standalone

      Even if you remove Labels from all screens
      and hide it in all field configurations

      you can still type the L shortcut
      and the Label Editor will pop up
      and let you add labels to the issue.

      And the bigger problem:
      If you have hidden the Labels system field
      and added a labels custom field
      then when you press L
      you still edit the Labels system field
      and not the custom field.

      The same thing happens when editing labels in the IssueNavigator

      In this screenshot from a clean, new Jira 4.2.3 install
      note that Labels is hidden and not listed on any screens

      Yet in this screenshot see that I am able to label an issue
      that should not have the labels field visible or editable

      and in this screenshot see that I should only be editing my Tags custom labels field
      but instead pressing L opens the labels editor for the Labels system field.

      For us this is a big problem
      because for many years
      since Jira 3.10
      we've been using the labels plugin.
      We have had a labels-type custom field called custom tags
      and there are now hundreds of thousands of label data
      on hundreds of thousands of issues
      for that custom field.

      Now as we upgraded to Jira 4.2.3 we'd like to suppress the Labels system field
      and continue using our Custom Tags custom labels field.
      However, the Labels system field just won't go away
      (which reminds me of an earlier suggestion I made about Jira: get rid of system fields. Instead, we're getting more system fields...).

            Unassigned Unassigned
            adc6ee404f6d Jeff Kirby
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