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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-23238

Custom fields columns do not show in the issue navigator when they are mapped to only certain issue types


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Not a bug
    • Icon: Low Low
    • None
    • 4.2
    • None

      Here are scenarios that lead to inconsistent/non-standardized issue nagivator view:

      Initial setup:

      1) From a clean 4.2 instance, create a custom field "A" that is mapped to issue type Bug only.
      2) Create a test project and create few test issues. Some of type Bug and some of other types
      3) Add the created custom field as a column in the issue navigator.

      The first scenario:

      1) Search for issues. Set the Issue Type criteria to Any
      2) Notice that the resulting table does not have the custom field column A
      (see Any.PNG)
      The second scenario:

      1) Search for issues. Set the Issue Type criteria to Bug only
      2) Notice that the resulting table has the custom field column A
      (see Bug.PNG)
      The third scenario:

      1) Search for issues. Set the Issue Type search criteria to Bug, Task New Feature (basically select Bug issue type combined with any other issue type(s) )
      2) Notice that the resulting table has the custom field column A
      (see "Bug,New Feature & Task.PNG")

      In terms of JQL, when issuetype in (...) is used, the custom field column will appear. In contrast, when issuetype in (...) is not used (that is equivalent to using Any in simple search), then the custom field that is mapped to certain issue type(s) will never show.

      Whether Any is used (as per first scenario), or whether combination of many Issue Types are selected in the search criteria (as per third scenario), the resulting table rows will include both: 1) issues of types which are mapped with the custom field, 2) as well as issues of types which are not mapped with the custom field. But the custom field column only shows in the latter case.

      Is this considered a bug?

        1. Any.PNG
          71 kB
        2. Bug,New Feature & Task.PNG
          Bug,New Feature & Task.PNG
          71 kB
        3. Bug.PNG
          71 kB

            Unassigned Unassigned
            ajawad Ali Mohamed Jawad [Atlassian]
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