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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-23139

The Default Search Handler does way too many permissions checks which can slow down JQL significantly.


      When you ask for a list of clauses during JQL -> Lucene coversion you call getClauseHandler for each clause. When we do this use return a filtered list of clauses that the user is able to see. The code is:

      public Collection<ClauseHandler> getClauseHandler(final User user, final String jqlClauseName)
        return filter(getClauseHandler(jqlClauseName), new PermissionToUse(user));

      This call can be quite expensive especially when a JQL query has the same clause multiple times (e.g. project = JRA or project = BJB). This manifests itself in expensive .size() class during query creation (who knew):

      We could possibly fix this by caching the permissions calculations for a request (or maybe longer).

            pleschev Peter Leschev
            bbain bain
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