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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-20013

JIRA no longer warns when you try to install plugins 1 plugin into plugins 2 directory.


      In 4.0 when you installed a v1 plugin into $JIRA.HOME/plugins/installed-plugins you got a warning like:

      The following plugins failed to load:
      RPC JIRA Plugin: Unable to load the static 'atlassian-jira-rpc-plugin-4.0.jar' plugin from the plugins directory. Please copy this file into WEB-INF/lib and restart.

      You also got a message on the plugins screen telling you that the plugin failed to load and what you need to do.

      On JDog this is not the case. We installed the RPC plugin v1 into $JIRA.HOME and it tried to load the plugin. Further, it actually looks like the plugin loaded correctly it just has no modules. I have attached the log.

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