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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-19636

Distinguish default plugins from user installed plugins.


      So often times in support we have users who create issues because they are having performance problems. One of the first things I look for are any third party plugins the user may have installed. It would save a lot of time if in the system information could distinguish what the User added vs. what is installed by default. This was a lot easier in the past because we generally just had "Atlassian" plugins installed by default. However, now with JQL and Gadgets, it seems there are non Atlassian plugins installed by default. Can we please have some separation in the system information so that we can tell the difference between default and non default plugins faster. My current workaround is to have a text document with the default plugins from a clean instance, then make a new text document with the clients system information for each case. I then diff the files. Can we please implement this feature for support.


            pleschev Peter Leschev
            jcostello Jonathan Costello [Atlassian]
            24 Vote for this issue
            8 Start watching this issue
