Uploaded image for project: 'Jira Data Center'
  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-19546

Two Dimensional statistics gadget shows Total which includes archived versions even when axis stat is explicitly "non-archived" versions


      The test data attached has:

      • 3 versions: v1 (archived), v2 and v3 (non-archived)
      • 3 issues: one for each version

      Each row of the two dimensional statistics gadget displays 1 item of the Y-axis group and the breakdown of the issues returned by X-axis items.

      If you choose for the X-axis "Fix For Version (non-archived)", then this breakdown (the columns) correctly does not include any versions which are archived. However, the Total column counts issues which do have archived versions set. See the screenshot for an example.

        1. test.xml
          52 kB
        2. archive2.jpg
          31 kB
        3. archive1.jpg
          32 kB

              Unassigned Unassigned
              mtokar Michael Tokar
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