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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-1738

Excel export over https doesn't work


      Clicking on Excel view gives the error message:

      Microsoft Excel cannot access the file 'https://sdev.sil.org/sdev/jira/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?view=excel&tempMax=1000'. There are several possible reasons:

      ? The file name or path name does not exist.
      ? The file you're trying to open is being used by another program. Close the document in the other program, and try again.
      ? The name of the workbook you're trying to save is the same as the name of another document that is read-only. Try saving the workbook with a different name.

        1. atlassian-core-2.0.17.jar
          62 kB
        2. EncodingFilter-old.class
          3 kB
        3. JIRAEncodingFilter.class
          2 kB

              anton@atlassian.com AntonA
              f984fdfaba0f Ed Kenschaft
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