Resolution: Unresolved
NOTE: This suggestion is for JIRA Server. Using JIRA Cloud? See the corresponding suggestion.
As an example the reporter field may require a value during the bulk issue operation. The reason why the reporter field needs a value is that this field is required. When you check the retain option, the reporters are retained where possible. Depending on your configuration this may not be the case for all issues being moved. For those issue a new (reporter) value needs to be set and that's why the reporter field needs a value set.
JIRA could be a bit smarter & user-friendlier and not require a value in the case when all issues will be able to retain the original reporter. It could also inform the user that if the value is entered and retain option is checked, it will only replace or set the reporter value for the issues that will require it. It would seem that at the moment the current message does not give enough confidence to the users, they fear that all values will be replaced.
Please see linked JRA-14385 for more details about the origin of this issue.
- is cloned from
JRASERVER-14385 Bulk move where reported should be retained gives "reporter is required" error
- Closed
- is related to
JRASERVER-15769 During bulk move, retain checkbox doesn't work for reporter
- Closed
JRASERVER-27198 Move Issue Configuration
- Closed
JRASERVER-16476 Do not force changing the assignee or reporter when keeping the issue in the same project during the move or bulk move operation or issue type migration
- Gathering Interest
- relates to
JRASERVER-12165 Unclear error message when bulk moving issues whose reporter cannot create issues
- Closed
JRACLOUD-15181 Make bulk move operation more user-friendly during field update stage
- Closed
- mentioned in
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Did Atlassian confirm that ? On JIRA 6 there is no way to bulk move issue between projects (where permission have been set) retaining the reporter ?