Resolution: Obsolete
Medium (View bug fix roadmap)
3.11, 6.3.12
Server is some version of RHEL. Better information available if requested.
We just started using Jira here (3.11). We have thousands of commonly used terms
in our company that have underscores in them and so a high percentage of our search
queries will contain underscores. It is currently impossible for us to do these searches in
Jira seems to treat the underscore character to be identical to a space character.
For instance if I want to do a search that will match all words that start with "abc_",
I get the following results.
Search for:
abc_def (correct)
abc_hij (correct)
abc klm (wrong)
abc def (wrong)
Search for:
abc_def (correct)
abc_hij (correct)
abc klm (wrong)
abc def (wrong)
Search for:
abc_def (correct)
abc def (wrong)
Search for:
"abc def"
abc_def (wrong)
abc def (correct)
I looked at the Lucene documentation, but underscore is not one of their reserved
characters, so it appears that this behavior is coming from somewhere inside Jira.
- is duplicated by
JRASERVER-34287 Unable to search Partial words that contain underscores
- Closed
JRACLOUD-66210 Searching for issues which have underscore in their summary does not come up in JIRA
- Closed
JRASERVER-30976 The summary (~) operator doesn't work correctly on JIRA 5.2.x
- Closed
JRASERVER-32441 Searching with * only searches for alphanumeric characters
- Gathering Impact
- is related to
JRASERVER-8669 search for string with underscore ( _ ) always returns no results
- Closed
JRASERVER-32440 Not possible to search for alphanumeric values in issue navigator
- Closed
JRASERVER-41724 Strange behaviors of Contains ( ~ ) operator when searching for Text blocks
- Gathering Impact
- relates to
JRASERVER-5567 Incorrect stemming causes some words to be unsearchable
- Closed
JRASERVER-33306 Advance Search for String that Contain Hyphen Returns Result
- Closed
CONFSERVER-14554 Change search so that searching for cat_dog returns only pages w/cat_dog, instead of pages with cat &/or dog
- Closed
JRASERVER-17463 Better exact-text searching
- Gathering Interest