Hi Hendrik,
Thanks for logging this.
This issue was really being caused by a number of duplicate language files being present. This is how the internationalised message is being resolved:
- Check for a message file with the name of the webaction and the user's locale: AttachFile_en_UK.properties
- If not found check for the default locale: AttachFile_da_DK.properties
- If not found check for the parent class of the web-action: JiraWebActionSupport_en_UK.properties
- If not found check for the parent class of the web-action with the default locale: JiraWebActionSupport_da_DK.properties
The problem is that there is still a stale AttachFile_da_DK.properties file around in JIRA 3.11 but no AttachFile_en_UK.properties. This means that the lookup in step 1 above fails, but step 2 succeeds, which is why the message is being shown in Danish.
This issue has been fixed in JIRA 3.12. Please upgrade to JIRA 3.12.x or remove the AttachFile*.properties language bundles (follow the instructions for translating JIRA). If upgrading to JIRA 3.12.x is a huge problem for you, let us know and we'll make a patch available.
Great! Thank you very much. When I get back to the office in a week then I'll upgrade. Upgrading won't be a big problem.