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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-13905

Unable to remove group at the Assign Groups to Project Role page if the group name has the double quote


      Steps of replication:

      1. Create a group called "Sample"
      2. Go to Project Role Browser
      3. Click on the Manage Default Members link
      4. Select Default Groups
      5. Add "Sample" group to the project role
      6. Remove the "Sample" group from the project role

      Here is the page source:

      <td valign="top">
             <a id="group_link_"Sample"" href="/secure/admin/user/ViewGroup.jspa?name="Sample"">"Sample"</a>
              <td align="absmiddle" width="1%" nowrap>
                   <input type="checkbox" name="removegroups_"Sample"" value=".">

      It seems like the double quote breaks in the middle of the link.

        1. double_quote.JPG
          40 kB
          Kay Nny Lee [Atlassian]

              lxia Lily Xia [Atlassian]
              knlee Kay Nny Lee [Atlassian]
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