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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-12801

Problems when changing resolution to status


      A few problems (maybe even more then 1 issue)

      We had the following resolutions: waiting for a meeting and on hold.
      We changed the workflow so that they became statusses.
      Problem is that you can't put the resolution on unresolved when deleting the resolutions.
      Also the resolution can't be changed with reopen or edit.

      I gues that I want the possibility to change the resolution as an editable field and that it shifts to unreolved if you reopen it.

      For the moment they have resolution fixed (even if they are still open!)

      All this is caused by the fact that when copying workflows the postfunctions and conditions aren't copied (I don't remember in what version I copied them so maybe it's already resolved)

              Unassigned Unassigned
              a8c2c1de0928 Kristof Van Cleemput
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
