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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-12796

Multiple values being stored for single value custom fields


      Customer is getting the following errors in the log file:

      [issue.customfields.impl.AbstractSingleFieldType] More than one value stored for custom field id'customfield_10081'.  Values [john.smith, john.smith, mary.brown]

      Here is the support case. The customer has 160,000 issues, and can have up to 300 concurrent requests. Several users can be modifying the same issue at the same time.

      The customer says that every few weeks he needs to go into the database and delete the multiple rows. I gave him the SQL to do this. Once he removes the multiple rows from the database he can re-index the issue, and once this is done it can be viewed again in JIRA. However the issue recurs.

      This issue has come up before - JRA-11382 - but in that case there was more than one thread of execution in an SOAP client modifying the same issue. The customer assures me that in his case does not have any software programs modifying issues.


            Unassigned Unassigned
            idaniel Ian Daniel [Atlassian]
            39 Vote for this issue
            89 Start watching this issue
