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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-11605

Moving a parent issue (with it's sub-tasks) that has a security level set into a project with no security scheme set makes the sub-tasks non-viewable in the new project due to retaining its original security level


      To re-produce:

      1. Create Project A with an associated issue security scheme
      2. Create an issue with a security level set and a sub-task
      3. Create Project B with no associated issue security scheme
      4. Move issue (with its sub-task) from Project A into Project B

      The issue is created in Project B but with no sub-tasks visible on the View Issue page nor the Issue Navigator even though the sub-tasks where created in the new project. This is due to the security levels being retained from Project A (as discussed at JRA-10546)

      Below are the parent issue and 2 sub-tasks created in Project B

      mysql> select id, pkey, issuetype, security from jiraissue where project = '10011';
      | id    | pkey  | issuetype | security |
      | 10065 | BBB-1 | 4         |     NULL |
      | 10066 | BBB-2 | 5         |    10001 |
      | 10067 | BBB-3 | 5         |    10001 |

      where BBB-1 is the parent issue and BBB-2 and BBB-3 are its sub-tasks. If the security fields above are then updated to NULL for BBB-2 and BBB-3 the sub-tasks are then viewable.

      Additionally, if the target project also has a security scheme associated to it the user is prompted to pick a security level to apply to the issue being moved in the move wizard and works correctly.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            michelle@atlassian.com Michelle de Guzman
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