Resolution: Unresolved
The done issues in completed Sprint show None +1
Summary :
The Done issues in the completed sprint display as none +1 in the sprint field, thus causing confusion to the user. Instead, it should be displaying the sprint name it was part of directly
- The jira-123 issue was part of sprint X.
- The issue Jira-123 was done or completed and sprint X is completed.
- You start a new sprint Y.
- Here the issue Jira -123 ticket status is Completed and as the sprint is Completed and not an Active Sprint, the sprint field in that issue will be set to none + 1 as it is not a part of any active sprint currently.
- The +1 annotation is shown to remind us that this issue was part of a previously closed sprint. If you click on +1 it will show you the details of the sprint the issue was part of.
- If you add this issue Jira -123 to any other active sprint that says sprint Y, then it will display as sprint Y + 1. Here +1 indicates it was part of the previous sprints.
- Once you close Sprint Y, the issue Jira -123 will be displayed as none +2. Here +2 indicates it was part of 2 sprints.
Suggestion :
- The done issues should retain the name of the sprint it belonged to rather than none.
I am going through a SOC audit of tickets in the past year. Part of the evidence that I need to provide is the Sprint(s) that these tickets were in.
This is the data that I was able to provide last year:
Now, I cannot provide this same data because of the "None +1"