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  1. Jira Platform Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-85628

Performance degradation of Next-gen boards with more than 300 cards during initial load


      Issue Summary

      When Next-gen board is configured to show greater than 300 cards, the initial load of the board will be slower and card transition is also affected.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Have next-gen project type and create 300+ issues
      2. Open Next-gen board

      Expected Results

      Next-gen board would initially load in a similar time to boards with 300 cards

      Actual Results

      The board loads very slow and it affects the navigation within that board.


      1. Reduce number of cards on the board by using a backlog (focusing the board on immediate work), which currently has great features such as the epic panel and versions panel that allows you to bulk-update issues: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Next-gen-articles/Improved-Backlog-planning-in-next-gen-with-the-epic-panel/ba-p/1387675
      2. Moving cards to “Done” (resolved) column to be cleared from the board if you did not enable sprints: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Next-gen-articles/Introducing-manual-board-clearing-for-your-next-gen-Kanban-board/ba-p/1411958
      3. Not visualising Releases on the board (aka. having a column with RELEASES), as if you are not doing continuous releases (e.g. monthly releases), you'd wait a long time to clear the board. Track Releases in the Releases view: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Next-gen-articles/New-features-for-next-gen-projects-in-Jira-Software-Cloud/ba-p/1232149
      4. Switch to Classic projects and migrate issues over


      Hi everyone,
      Thanks for your contributions to this issue, they’ve been a great help in diagnosing matters. We’ve been assessing this problem and agree it needs to be resolved. Unfortunately this is a complex task which is going to take some time.
      I assure you we’re aiming to have it fixed and would like to thank you for your patience.
      While I can’t give an exact date that a fix will be ready, I can share that it will be a question of months rather than weeks or days. I recognize that this may be disappointing, but I feel it’s important to be transparent with you about the level of effort involved so you can plan accordingly.
      Ivan Teong
      Product Manager, Jira Software Cloud

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