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  1. Jira Platform Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-83657

The paperclip icon to add the attachment in the transition screen while changing status doesn't show up if language changed from English


      Issue Summary

      The paperclip icon to add the attachment in the transition screen while changing status doesn't show up when the language is changed from English to any other language. 

      The issue shows up when in different languages (apart from English) and gets fixed when the profile language is changed to English. 

      Steps to Reproduce

      • If we add the attachment field on any transition screen and then any user tries to transition the issue from one status to the other, the screen appears with an attachment icon (paper clip) in the wiki bar.
      • .In case the user changes the profile language to something else than English, the icon disappears completely and only returns if the language is changed to English again. 

      Expected Results

      The paperclip icon to add the attachment in the transition screen while changing status in the wiki bar should show up always irrespective of any language. 

      Actual Results

      The paperclip icon to add the attachment in the transition screen while changing status in the wiki bar only shows up with English language as the profile language and not in Danish, French, or any other language. 


      Changing the language to English only fix this issue. 

              Unassigned Unassigned
              f1794db39e93 Subhra Majhi
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              6 Start watching this issue
