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  1. Jira Platform Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-83315

Date compare validator fails (for equal condition) when one of the fields is a date time picker.


      Issue Summary

      Date compare validator fails (for equal condition) when one of the fields is a date time picker. 

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create 2 fields. One of them should be date picker and other one should be date time picker.
      2. Set up a workflow validator to compare the 2 date fields. Use "greater than or equal to" comparison.
      3. Try to make a transition when both the fields have the same date value. The transition will fail showing error: 
        Field 1 isn't greater than or equal to Field 2 (Date part)

      Expected Results

      The transition should be successful since the validator is instructed to compare only the date part of the fields. 

      Actual Results

      Transition fails with the following error: 
      Field 1 isn't greater than or equal to Field 2 (Date part)


      Reach out to Support, they will be able to assist applying site-specific solution, while a global fix is developed and released.

              1590a4180611 Jessica Collins
              603a81809994 Sumit Fartode
              25 Vote for this issue
              41 Start watching this issue
