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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-81964

Unable to import CSV file with 'Account' custom field. The value isn't mapped.



      Using the CSV import, it's not possible to import the Account Custom Field provided by Tempo. The importer cannot match the value in the CSV with the existing 'Account' field value.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create an Account in Tempo -> Accounts and assign to a project
      2. Create a CSV file with an 'Account' column with the same value as the Account Name that you've previously created
      3. Try to import the CSV file mapping the Account column with the Account field in Jira

      Expected Results

      The Import will successfully create/update the issues with the 'Account' value defined in the CSV file.

      Actual Results

      If the 'Account' field is not required in the Field Configuration, the issue will be properly created without the 'Account' value

      If the 'Account' field is required in the Field Configuration, the import will fail with the following error:

      Issue can't be created due to the error/s [ Account is required. ]


      • Using the Account ID (numerical value) mapped to the Account field instead should enable the CSV import.
      • If the field isn't required, remove the 'Account' column from the CSV file and add the value manually after the issues were created.
      • Set the 'Account' field as optional in the Field Configuration

            Unassigned Unassigned
            foselame Francisco Oselame (Inactive)
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