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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-81936

Parent - Subtask relationship is not showing on team-managed projects when issues are imported from CSV


      Issue Summary

      When you import a parent issue like a story with its subtasks using the external system import CSV the subtasks are not showing inside the parent issue, however, when you do an advance search the subtasks show a parent relation.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Export or create a CSV file with a parent issue and its subtasks
      2. Use the external system import to import the CSV file into a Next-gen project

      Expected Results

      The subtasks should be displayed inside the parent ticket or in the board when grouped by subtask

      Actual Results

      No subtasks are displayed in the parent ticket just in the advanced search


      Recreate the subtasks or first import all the issues into a Classic project and then move them to a Next-gen
      Note: Trying to move them to reassign the parent is not working.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            gsandoval@atlassian.com Gino S
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