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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-81363

Export feature could consider the decimal separator preferences


    • 1
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      Issue Summary

      The export feature in Jira does not take into consideration the user's decimal separator preference when exporting issues to a CSV file. As a result, number fields are exported with a dot as the decimal separator instead of a comma when Spanish language is set, regardless of the site's default language configuration or the user's language settings.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Set your site default language under System > General configuration to Spanish and also your user's preferred language to Spanish (numbers will be shown with a comma as the decimal separator in Jira)
      2. Log in to Jira and navigate to a project.
      3. Apply a filter to display a list of issues.
      4. Click on the "Export" button and choose the option to export to a CSV file.
      5. Open the exported CSV file and observe the format of the numbers.

      Expected Results

      The exported numbers should follow either the user's decimal separator preference as set in their language settings or the Jira site's default language setting (or give the user an option to select which language prefers). For example, if the user has set Spanish as their language preference, the exported numbers should use a comma as the decimal separator.

      Actual Results

      The exported numbers consistently use a dot as the decimal separator, irrespective of the user's language settings or site default language.


      One of the following workarounds could be implemented:

      1. Create a simple script that modifies the format of the number fields in the exported CSV file, replacing dots with commas or applying the desired formatting.
      2. Utilize a program or tool that allows the import of a CSV file and provides options to customize the format of different fields, including the decimal separator.
      3. Consider using a 3rd party plugin from our Marketplace to see if you need more control over how your data is exported to Excel, for example, you can try using the Better Excel Plugin.

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            7372af706f9d Ariel
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