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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-80469

JQL issueLinkType is inconsistent when using != or NOT IN operators when weblinks are part of issueLinkType


      Issue Summary

      When filtering issues by issueLinkType the results are inconsistent when using the != and NOT IN operators when weblinks are part of issueLinkType.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. create a project, BUG
      2. create two issues BUG-1, BUG-2
      3. link BUG-1 to BUG-2, i.e. BUG-1 blocks BUG-2
      4. search with JQL - project = BUG and issueLinkType != clones, both issues are listed
      5. now add a ‘weblink’ to BUG-1
      6. repeat the query, now BUG-1 is not returned while BUG-2 is still there.

      Expected Results

      The != or NOT IN operators should return the difference between the first and second queries.

      Actual Results

      There is not output with the results.


      If the linktype has the weblinks in it, instead of using 

      issueLinkType != "link_type_name"  

      We can use the below JQL to fetch the data that should include all the linktypes except the one isn't required:

      issueLinkType in ("link_type_name1", "link_type_name2", "link_type_name3" ...) 

            4a4b131c106c Lukasz Gosiewski
            66b8e0db41ca Mahmad Faruk
            3 Vote for this issue
            10 Start watching this issue
